November 2016 - President’s Update
In just a month, winter will be upon us. The year will be coming to a close and our thoughts will be on the upcoming year. It has been quite a busy Summer and Fall for Greer Ranch. We became aware late in the Summer that our electronic vehicle entry system was no longer being supported and so we launched a huge transponder installation campaign in September, with the new antenna system having been installed earlier this month. We would like to give a huge ‘THANK YOU” to the volunteers who helped our community during this campaign! If you have not yet had new transponders and window decals installed, please call the office to schedule an appointment to do so.
Many of you are aware that our pool area is currently closed for refurbishment. All three pools have been drained and prepared for re-plastering. We hope to have the process completed and have the pool area reopened in the next few weeks. Look for an email blast from our Management Team to announce the reopening date.
The Board of Directors met on November 16, 2016 and approved a -0- balance budget for 2017. Many hours of preparation went into this budget to maintain the quality of services in an economy of ever rising costs. As well, the Board of Director’s worked diligently throughout the year to keep the operations of Greer Ranch as efficient as possible. A mailing will be sent at the end of this month that will include a copy of the 2017 Budget.
In keeping with its effort to maintain efficiency while keeping costs down, next year, the Board of Directors will be looking at the possibility to retrofitting our currently street lights with high efficiency LED fixtures.
With the winter holidays close at hand, we are excited to once again participate in the City of Murrieta’s Santa Stop. This annual event is a time of joy and excitement for children “of all ages,” as well as a wonderful opportunity to donate non perishable food items and unwrapped toys, as well as gift cards for donations to local families in need during this holiday season. Santa will be arriving on Monday, December 5th, at our Clubhouse, as well as at the big white stars located at Chive/Abelia and Elderberry/Paper Bark. While we await his arrival at the Clubhouse we will be able to enjoy cookies, hot cocoa, some fun karaoke, a door raffle and also “Snowy” the Elf (make sure to bring your camera for a “Selfie with Elfie”. The fun runs from 5:45pm to 7:30pm. Come and enjoy the fun and festivities!
And finally, in this season of giving, festivities and celebration, on behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to take a moment to recognize those that serve in our community.
Fellow Board Members • Friends and Neighbors • Community Volunteers • Community Management Team • Elected City Officials and Staff • Local Fire-fighters and Law Enforcement • Community Partners & Vendors • Teachers & Support Staff.......And of course, all members of the military, both active and veterans!
It is because of their dedication, time and contribution that our community is a great and pleasant place to live. Happy Holidays.